Take the simple science of sleep, add one of the world’s leading sleep experts, plus the experiences of hundreds of thousands of poor sleepers and you get kipmate, developed to address the issues of existing solutions to poor sleep, to help poor sleepers understand why they sleep poorly and tools and tips that lead to changes in mindset, environments, and habits when it comes to sleep. All this ultimately leads to better kip.
There are no endless questionnaires, boring seminars, unengaging experts, or prescriptive and patronising advice. Just entertaining, engaging, and educational content, the option to dive straight into what your issues are, advice delivered in a way that suits you and most importantly a sense of empathy driven by the experience of our founder James, both in his journey to overcoming his own poor sleep and the stories and experiences of the thousands and thousands of poor sleepers he has helped improve their kip.
Kipmate is a sleep toolbox, whether delivered in person, remotely via webinars or via the Digital Tool that supports you and those around you, in your journeys to better slumber.
Kipmate is affordable, accessible, and applicable to your life and does not offer false promises of cures, no more sleepless nights, or perfect sleep. It acknowledges that we will all sleep poorly from time to time and gives you the tools to deal with poor sleep when it comes, leading to better sleep health.

Organisations & Sports Teams
Would you like a Sleep Health Check for your Organisation or Sports Team? We can offer some simple questions that your colleagues can answer and will give you an insight into how your people sleep. It will help you understand...
- The overall Sleep Health of your organisation
- What sort of sleepers your colleagues are
- The support your people might need around their sleep
Just fill out our contact form and we will get the ball rolling.
Get your kip Health Check
Organisations I Have Worked With
We offer seminars, webinars, and one on one support to organisations. This can include drop-in appointments for colleagues who struggle with their sleep, remote video calls and bespoke video content built around your organisation’s particular sleep issues.
Seminars/webinars include:
- General Sleep
- Shift Work and Sleep
- Menopause and Sleep
- Nutrition and Sleep
- Leadership and Sleep
- Kids and Sleep
And we can also offer bespoke video content and session built around the sleep issues particular to your organisation.

Sports Teams
Kipmate works extensively within sport, with the likes of West Ham United, Sports Aid and individuals, governing bodies, and other teams. We offer a bespoke service, with content suitable for both academy and senior sports people that includes:
- Support Across A Full Season
- Seminars/Webinars
- One On One Support For Players/Athletes, Other Staff And Families
- Sleep Tracker Interpretation
- Travel Planning For Competition And Training
- Sleep Product Selection
Kipmate has been developed working with the likes of:
Our Founder
James Wilson also known as The Sleep Geek is a sleep expert with a difference. As well as being one of the world’s top experts, he has also been a poor sleeper all his life, (and ironically is from a family of bed and mattress manufacturers,) so understands the lived experience of poor sleepers around the globe. He also knows how to help people sleep better, based on his training and his own personal journey. (And if you are wondering, yes, he does sleep better, but his sleep is not perfect, he has not cured his sleep issues, but he does know what to do if his sleep deteriorates. He is a better kipper!)
His work with governments, elite athletes in numerous sports and the people and customers of some of the biggest brands in the world means that he helps tens if not hundreds of thousands of poor sleepers kip better.
James has a unique perspective on helping people sleep better, building on the training he received in both kids and adult sleep and feels that poor sleepers are often hard done by in our society. He was motivated to train as a sleep expert due to bad experiences of working with sleep expertise in the family business. They were often patronising, ignorant to the impact poor sleep has on our physical and mental health, and quite frankly horrible, often blaming poor sleepers for their poor sleep.
Kipmate is the fruit of a journey that has looked at how we help people sleep better, the inadequacies in existing solutions to sleep issues and experts who create boring and patronising content, full of clever words and medical jargon, designed to show how clever the expert is, but not to help everyday people sleep better. He is passionate about improving the world’s sleep health and hopes kipmate will help you get the sleep you need.

If you'd like us to come and help your organisation or sports team get better sleep, send us a message.
With a combination of webinars, short videos, blogs, guided advice, podcasts and other great content, we will help you understand your sleep and put in place the simple and effective tips and tools to give you the best sleep possible.